Results for 'Matt K. Matsuda'

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  1. Rescuing fair-play as a justification for punishment.Matt K. Stichter - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (1):73-81.
    The debate over whether ‘fair-play’ can serve as a justification for legal punishment has recently resumed with an exchange between Richard Dagger and Antony Duff. According to the fair-play theorist, criminals deserve punishment for breaking the law because in so doing the criminal upsets a fair distribution of benefits and burdens, and punishment rectifies this unfairness. Critics frequently level two charges against this idea. The first is that it often gives the wrong explanation of what makes crime deserving of punishment, (...)
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    A place for history.Matt Matsuda - 2004 - History and Theory 43 (2):260–271.
    Representing Place: Landscape Painting and Maps by Edward Casey Landscape, Nature, and the Body Politic: From Britain's Renaissance to America's New World by Kenneth Robert Olwig.
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    History and incompleteness.Matt Matsuda - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (1):104-114.
    Vera Schwarcz's Place and Memory in the Singing Crane Garden examines the moral, philosophical, and historical meanings of a garden built by a Manchu Chinese prince, subsequently destroyed by British imperialists, commandeered by Red Guard radicals, and finally transformed into the grounds of an art museum. Reading Singing Crane Garden in the context of Schwarcz's previous writings on Chinese intellectuals and Jewish traditions, as well as insights provided by critical philosophers and geographers, this essay explores the moral and ethical dimensions (...)
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  4. The Sources of Memory.Jeffrey Andrew Barash - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):707-717.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sources of MemoryJeffrey Andrew Barash“What does it mean to remember?” This question might seem commonplace when it is confined to the domain of events recalled in past individual experience; but even in this restricted sense, when memory recalls, for example, a first personal encounter with birth or with death, the singularity of the remembered image places the deeper possibilities of human understanding in relief. Such experiences punctuating everyday (...)
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    Mnemonic schemes in the new history of memory. [REVIEW]Patrick H. Hutton - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (3):378–391.
    The Memory of the Modern by Matt K. Matsuda Landscape and Memory by Simon Schama.
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  6. Applied linguistics: overview and history.Margie Berns & K. Matsuda - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 2--394.
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    Doing Justice to the Is-Ought Gap.Matt Silliman & David K. Braden-Johnson - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:117-132.
    The two characters in this philosophical dialogue, Russell Steadman and Jules Govier, take up the meaning and significance of David Hume’s famous “is-ought gap”—the proscription on inferring a fully moral claim from any number of purely descriptive statements. Building on the recent work of Hilary Putnam and John F. Post, Jules attempts to show that Hume’s rule is of little consequence when discussing matters related to justice or morality as we encounter them in daily life. He derives his conclusion from (...)
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    Doing Justice to the Is-Ought Gap in advance.Matt Silliman & David K. Braden-Johnson - forthcoming - Social Philosophy Today.
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    HAADF-STEM study ofβ′-type precipitates in an over-aged Al–Mg–Si–Ag alloy.C. D. Marioara, J. Nakamura, K. Matsuda, S. J. Andersen, R. Holmestad, T. Sato, T. Kawabata & S. Ikeno - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (9):1149-1158.
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    Edit, cut and paste in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene family ofDrosophila melanogaster.D. B. Sattelle, A. K. Jones, B. M. Sattelle, K. Matsuda, R. Reenan & P. C. Biggin - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):366-376.
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  11. Development of saline wedge observation system (Introduction of Poster Exhibition at TECHNO-OCEAN 2000).T. Tokuoka, Y. Sampei, K. Nishimura, A. Suzaki, S. Matsuda, S. Kubota, S. Suzuki & Y. Ueno - 2001 - Laguna 8:101-110.
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    Dietary Implications.Richard D. Mattes Gary K. Beauchamp - 2000 - In Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace, Individual Differences in Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 99.
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Matt Ratto & Megan Boler (eds.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Today, DIY -- do-it-yourself -- describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and "critical making" that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting (...)
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    Curating Modernism: Don DeLillo, T. S. Eliot, and Postmodern Muséality in Zero K.Matt Phillips - 2018 - Intertexts 22 (1-2):126-151.
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    A Critical Analysis of Alexis Alleyne-Caputo’s Photography.Matt LaVine - 2022 - Sugarcane Magazine.
    Alexis Alleyne-Caputo has a vision of what’s possible that we badly need in our white supremacist, patriarchal, capitalistic, colonial world. Brought together by years of lived experience and work as an interdisciplinary artist, anthropologist, educator, and researcher—it’s a vision of resistance, a vision of light, a vision of empowerment, a vision of collective consciousness. Hers is a way of focusing—an awareness—a recognition of possibilities for minds, bodies, and hearts to come together in new and uplifting ways that goes beyond the (...)
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    Nonaddictive instrumental drug use: Theoretical strengths and weaknesses.Andrew J. Goudie, Matthew J. Gullo, Abigail K. Rose, Paul Christiansen, Jonathan C. Cole, Matt Field & Harry Sumnall - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):314-315.
    The potential to instrumentalize drug use based upon the detection of very many different drug states undoubtedly exists, and such states may play a role in psychiatric and many other drug uses. Nevertheless, nonaddictive drug use is potentially more parsimoniously explained in terms of sensation seeking/impulsivity and drug expectations. Cultural factors also play a major role in nonaddictive drug use.
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    “Drinkers Like Me”: A Thematic Analysis of Comments Responding to an Online Article About Moderating Alcohol Consumption.Patricia Irizar, Jo-Anne Puddephatt, Jasmine G. Warren, Matt Field, Andrew Jones, Abigail K. Rose, Suzanne H. Gage & Laura Goodwin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThere has been media coverage surrounding the dangers of heavy drinking and benefits of moderation, with TV and radio presenter, Adrian Chiles, documenting his experience of moderating alcohol consumption in an online article for the Guardian. By analysing the comments in response to Chiles’ article, this study aimed to explore posters’ attitudes or beliefs toward moderating alcohol and posters’ experiences of moderating or abstaining from alcohol.MethodA secondary qualitative analysis of online comments in response to an article about moderating alcohol consumption. (...)
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    Tacitus and religion - (k.E.) Shannon-Henderson religion and memory in tacitus' Annals. Pp. X + 414. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2019. Cased, £90, us$119.95. Isbn: 978-0-19-883276-8. [REVIEW]Matt Myers - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):128-130.
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    More michigan papyri. P.j. †sijpesteijn, K.A. Worp a transportation archive from fourth-century oxyrhynchus . With the assistance of †traianos gagos and Arthur verhoogt. Pp. 235. Durham, nc: The american society of papyrologists, 2011. Cased, £30. Isbn: 978-0-9799758-3-7. [REVIEW]Matt Gibbs - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (1):96-98.
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    The Morality of Security: A Theory of Just Securitization, Rita Floyd (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 258 pp., cloth $99.99, eBook $80. [REVIEW]Matt McDonald - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (2):255-257.
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    Book ReviewsCavanagh, Matt. Against Equality of Opportunity.Oxford: Clarendon, 2002. Pp. 223. $35.00.Robert K. Fullinwider - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):869-871.
  22.  12
    Matt Young and Paul K. Strode: Why Evolution Works.Kostas Kampourakis - 2010 - Science & Education 19 (1):115-118.
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    How to be a Deontic Buck-Passer.Euan K. H. Metz - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3193-3211.
    Deontic, as opposed to evaluative buck-passing theories seem to be easier to accept, since there appears to be an intimate connection between deontic properties, such as ‘ought’, ‘requirement’, and ‘permission’ on the one hand, and normative reasons on the other. However, it is far from obvious what, precisely, the connection consists in, and this topic has suffered from a paucity of discussion. This paper seeks to address that paucity by providing a novel deontic buck-passing view, one that avoids the pitfalls (...)
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  24.  65
    Organic selection: Proximate environmental effects on the evolution of morphology and behaviour. [REVIEW]Brian K. Hall - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (2):215-237.
    Organic selection (the Baldwin Effect) by which an environmentally elicitedphenotypic adaptation comes under genotypic control following selectionwas proposed independently in 1896 by the psychologists James Baldwinand Conwy Lloyd Morgan and by the paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn.Modified forms of organic selection were proposed as autonomization bySchmalhausen in 1938, as genetic assimilation by Waddington in 1942, andas an explanation for evolution in changing environments or for speciationby Matsuda and West-Eberhard in the 1980s. Organic selection as amechanism mediating proximate environmental effects on (...)
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    Cristina Paganini interviews Masami Matsuda.M. Matsuda - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):269.
  26.  10
    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Ronald Deibert - 2014 - MIT Press.
    How social media and DIY communities have enabled new forms of political participation that emphasize doing and making rather than passive consumption. Today, DIY—do-it-yourself—describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and “critical making” that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists (...)
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    I, Corpenstein: Mythic, Metaphorical and Visual Renderings of the Corporate Form in Comics and Film.Timothy D. Peters - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):427-454.
    From US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis’s 1933 judgement in Louis K Liggett Co v Lee to Matt Wuerker’s satirical cartoon “Corpenstein”, the use of Frankenstein’s monster as a metaphor for the modern corporation has been a common practice. This paper seeks to unpack and extend explicitly this metaphorical register via a recent filmic and graphic interpretation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein myth. Whilst Frankenstein has been read as an allegorical critique of rights—Victor Frankenstein’s creation of a monstrous body, reflecting (...)
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    Life the Play of Life on the Stage of the World in Fine Arts, Stage-Play, and Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2001 - Springer.
    "All life upon the stage"; the Theatrum Mundi. In this volume, a seventeenth century metaphor is revisited and is seen as applying to all art in all times. In the "magic mirror of art" the human being discerns the hidden spheres of human life and commemorates and celebrates its glorious victories and mourns its ignominious defeats. Let us rediscover Art as a witness to the human predicament as well as a celebrant of humanity's most sublime moments. This is the invitation (...)
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  29.  36
    Infant discrimination of humanoid robots.Goh Matsuda, Hiroshi Ishiguro & Kazuo Hiraki - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The psychic structure that keeping the corporal punishment in sports groups.Taiki Matsuda - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 37 (2):85-98.
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    Definability of Boolean Functions in Kripke Semantics.Naosuke Matsuda - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (3):363-376.
    A set F of Boolean functions is said to be functionally complete if every Boolean function is definable by combining functions in F. Post clarified when a set of Boolean functions is functionally complete (with respect to classical semantics). In this paper, by extending Post’s theorem, we clarify when a set of Boolean functions is functionally complete with respect to Kripke semantics.
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    Is Drosophila Dpp/BMP morphogen spreading required for wing patterning and growth?Shinya Matsuda & Markus Affolter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (9):2200218.
    Secreted signaling molecules act as morphogens to control patterning and growth in many developing tissues. Since locally produced morphogens spread to form a concentration gradient in the surrounding tissue, spreading is generally thought to be the key step in the non‐autonomous actions. Here, we review recent advances in tool development to investigate morphogen function using the role of decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)‐type ligand in the Drosophila wing disc as an example. By applying protein binder tools to distinguish between the (...)
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    Auditory observation of infant-directed speech by mothers: experience-dependent interaction between language and emotion in the basal ganglia.Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Kenichi Ueno, Kang Cheng, Yukuo Konishi, Reiko Mazuka & Kazuo Okanoya - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Facilitating Social Play for Children with PDDs: Effects of Paired Robotic Devices.Soichiro Matsuda, Eleuda Nunez, Masakazu Hirokawa, Junichi Yamamoto & Kenji Suzuki - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An ecologic study of the relationship between mean birth weight, temperature and calorie consumption level in japan.Shinya Matsuda, Mizuho Furuta & Hiroaki Kahyo - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):85-93.
    This study reports an ecologic analysis of the relationship between mean birth weight (MBW) and nutritional, medical and social variables, using 1982 data for 47 prefectures in Japan.
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  36. Attitudes of Genetic Decision Making in Culturally Diverse Populations.Ichiro Matsuda, Satoshi Hasegawa, Desheng Liang & David Harvey - 2011 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 21 (5):159-163.
    To understand the public opinion concerning the genethics in culturally different populations, we conducted two focus groups in Japan, with one focus group each in China and Panama between April 2008 and August 2009. Generally, the participants in Japan were more cautious to disclose their personal thinking in a clear manner. Most participants in China and Panama hoped to have children free from any genetic disease if at all possible. The major difference between China and Panama seems to be whether (...)
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  37.  17
    A Study on the Effect of Mental Practice Using Motor Evoked Potential-Based Neurofeedback.Daiki Matsuda, Takefumi Moriuchi, Yuta Ikio, Wataru Mitsunaga, Kengo Fujiwara, Moemi Matsuo, Jiro Nakamura, Tomotaka Suzuki, Kenichi Sugawara & Toshio Higashi - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    This study aimed to investigate whether the effect of mental practice can be enhanced by providing neurofeedback based on transcranial magnetic stimulation -induced motor evoked potentials. Twenty-four healthy, right-handed subjects were enrolled in this study. The subjects were randomly allocated into two groups: a group that was given correct TMS feedback and a group that was given randomized false TMS feedback. The subjects imagined pushing the switch with just timing, when the target circle overlapped a cross at the center of (...)
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    Communauté et violence de rue à Nairobi.Motoji Matsuda & Nicole G. Albert - 2016 - Diogène n° 251-252 (3):103-117.
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  39. Constant Rate Hypothesis.Kenjiro Matsuda - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 54--55.
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    Cut-free sequent calculi for logics characterized by finite linear Kripke frames.Naosuke Matsuda - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (5):686-696.
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    Developmental Changes in Number Personification by Elementary School Children.Eiko Matsuda, Yoshihiro S. Okazaki, Michiko Asano & Kazuhiko Yokosawa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Children often personify non-living objects, such as puppets and stars. This attribution is considered a healthy phenomenon, which can simulate social exchange and enhance children's understanding of social relationships. In this study, we considered that the tendency of children to engage in personification could potentially be observed in abstract entities, such as numbers. We hypothesized that children tend to attribute personalities to numbers, which diminishes during the course of development. By consulting the methodology to measure ordinal linguistic personification (OLP), which (...)
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    Editorial Comment.Masami Matsuda - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):429-430.
    With growing globalization, the governments of many countries are tending to place a disproportionately large emphasis on economy, which often results in budget cuts in health, education and social welfare. Such a tendency has provoked arguments by many individuals concerned. The neo-conservatism represented by ex-US President Reagan and ex-UK Prime Minister Thatcher in the 1980s, known as Reaganomics and Thatcherism, caused public funds for health care and education to be substantially reduced. In developing countries a so-called structural adjustment policy, promoted (...)
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    Editorial comment.Masami Matsuda - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):157-158.
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  44. F12. Background of the proposed guidelines for genetic counselling and testing in Japan.Ichiro Matsuda - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  45. High-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy of the antiphase boundary in a rapidly solidified b2 type tipd compound.M. Matsuda, T. Hara, E. Okunishi & M. Nishida - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine Letters 87 (1):59-64.
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    HIV/AIDS and Professional Freedom of Expression in Japan.Masami Matsuda - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):432-438.
    A senior physician with a government role in Japan made a widely reported and misleading statement about Thailand’s policy on HIV/AIDS patients. He claimed that in Thailand the policy is to spend public money on the prevention of HIV infection while allowing AIDS patients to die untreated. The author, a community nursing specialist in Japan with first-hand knowledge of HIV/AIDS policy in Thailand, thought that this statement would influence attitudes negatively in Japan. However, speaking out about this misrepresentation of the (...)
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  47. Ima futatabi "inochi" o kangaeru =.Jun Matsuda (ed.) - 2012 - Shizuoka-shi: Shizuoka Daigaku Shōgai Gakushū Kyōiku Kenkyū Sentā.
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  48. Isō kōzōron: ishiki no kaisō kōzō ni tsuite.Yoshio Matsuda - 1983 - Tōkyō: Hatsubai Marunouchi Shuppan.
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  49. Monbushō kaisei shinʾyōmoku junkyo kokumin dōtoku no yōryō oyobi yōgi.Tomokichi Matsuda - 1937
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    Ningen genri no uchūron: ningen wa uchū no chūshin ka.Takuya Matsuda - 1990 - Tōkyō: Baifūkan.
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